You and your spouse may be considering a home birth and aren't sure of what the best decision is. For the most part, home births are about as safe a hospital births if it's a low risk pregnancy. First time moms are more likely to be transferred to the hospital than second or third time moms. About 45 out of 100 first time moms are transferred to the hospital compared to 12 out of 100 moms who have had previous pregnancies. Talk to your mid wife or obstetrician about the risk and safety of your decision.
Many moms prefer a home birth because it's less stressful and more private than a hospital birth. You do not have to worry about sharing your room with another mom and hearing another screaming baby when you just got yours to sleep. You are in the comfort of your own home and family when you deliver at home and you do have to sit in a hospital for 2 days waiting to be discharged. Some downfalls to delivering in the home is that no pain medication is administered and you are unable to be induced. If there are any complications, you have to be transferred to the hospital because the duty's of a mid wife are limited. Talk to your mid wife or Douala about different situations may arise and what arrangements will be made in case of emergency.
Some home births are done in the comfort of your own bath tub full of warm water, some are done in the comfort of your own bed, learning about the different birthing positions your Douala or mid wife allows, is important. Finding a position that will decrease the pain of natural child birth is also very helpful, especially when there will be no pain medications or epidurals available at home. The Mid wife or Douala is usually trained to properly and safely handle any situation and usually have something set up with a hospital in case of any issues that may come up. The mid wife usually is supplied with oxygen for either mom or baby and they are trained to properly deliver your baby into this world.
If you are at high risk with your pregnancy, you will definitely want to consider a hospital birth. If you have had a previous Cesarean section, have had a breached birth, or any other risks, it is better to deliver in the hospital where immediate medical help is available. Cesarean sections are most likely to be the way to go when you have had one in the past because the scar may rupture. A cesarean is not able to be done at home. Knowing your chances of having a high risk pregnancy will make it more clear on choosing between a home or hospital birth. The most important thing is being safe and comfortable during birth and choosing the best birthing place for you and your baby.